The Essence of My Humanity
Who are you truly what do you really want
When your heart is stopped and breath is caught
Why are you here and where are you going
Thought or language either is Mind exploring
The words continuously dripping from my ears
Shouting inside the tornado no one hears
I've already written so many moments in time
I want to find and put here a few hopeful lines
Yes little human it's in your genes into your bones
To stare at the stars a mirror on Mars an ancient home
Look around the neighborhood you've never been alone
Behind the eyes in the mirror is there chance or clone
The future comes with every blink of your eyes
Until the one moment when flesh n bone dies
Now time no longer defines your direction
Anywhen becomes just another destination
Can you remember the moment when you were born
When from the womb of Creation you were thrown
Returning to the sea of souls from whence you came
It's all so wonderfully different yet comfortingly the same
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful and appreciative prayers a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotions behind my watery eyes
Are random thoughts just Cosmic guided tapestries
The chemical patterns the same fantasy or memories
Electro-magnetic patterns flickering brightly in pace
Spirited signals sizzling across a neuron's space
Our thoughts are but electro-magnetic chemical patterns upon the Universe
Don't the planets have electro-magnetic chemical patterns just as perverse
Is the chaos of our planet haunting the dreams of the human mind
To maim and kill just because to your ego they're not the same kind
Can you leave yourself out to venture beyond the Cosmic horizon
Can you get so far beyond the last star that you can't get back in
In the river of moments there are many kinds of quiet pools of pause
In prayer reflect on what you got n see on what you've had n saw
The stars look down upon us all and whisper out why
Who are you and what do you want to try
What will make you laugh or make you cry
Can you find a smile in life's saddest sigh
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful and appreciative prayers a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotions behind my watery eyes
The Martian Face in Cydonia continues its slow degradation
Reality must be truthful to be useful in all situations
The answers are elusive yet we can all feel and see the signs
Tricks of light n shadow are the real scientific nursery rhymes
Its been written down for so long the ancients always knew
Just because you no longer believe doesn't make it less true
Love is life life is love all else is rage gone blind
Peace amongst ourselves is necessary for a Cosmic mind
You must learn it matters that all life has mind
Sensing the Universe around it looking for its comfort in time
All of Creation's life must eventually consume then die
Our purpose to enjoy a child's laugh floating in the summer sky
Look directly into the eyes of the face in Cydonia's dunes
Our souls drawn out past that peculiar smile on the Man in the Moon
So much of what is real in reality only comes from Creation
Life is the essence of existence joy in love's exaltations
You are Creation's curious mind guided by your soul
A wide wondorous Universe waiting for you to know
Do not remain ignorant and blind to mysteries not yet shown
Even when there is no-one you must know you're not alone
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful and appreciative prayers a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotions behind my watery eyes
We are the people of the future histories
We are in the time ancient prophets have foreseen
We are each carrying a share of the global responsibility
We are each other's neighbors, look around, you'll see
We are a people who could build a city in the stars
We are a people who could go that far
We are someone, alone, a human who could blow it apart
We are once again, at the end, ready to start
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful and appreciative prayers a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotions behind my watery eyes
Rhw 11-30-1998