The Ego you are
Who are you what do you want
When your heart is stopped and breath is caught
Why are you here where have you been
Where are you going what will happen then
These words written for the talent show
Contain more wisdom than first known
And as a seed with nourishment will grow
Your soul will realize it's never been alone
For in those moments when you're at the in-between
Where anywhen is really everywhere to be seen
Do you hear angels sing or your demons scream
Was life a nightmare or a continuing comforting dream
Who are you what do you want
When your heart is stopped and breath is caught
Why are you here where have you been
Where are you going what will happen then
Like the wraiths of Martian wind devils across Cydonia Mensae
The Martian Face staring at the stars still has many things to say
We are electromagnetic patterns that are created n shaped in many ways
Only Creation determines what cannot be and also what may
You are really only who you are
Look around you there you are
Behind the eyes in the mirror is who you are
Sparks across the holes of mind is the Ego you are
Who are you what do you want
When your heart is stopped and breath is caught
Why are you here where have you been
Where are you going what will happen then
Rhw 3-9-2000