Prosperity is what freedom brings
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
Look up see the Man in the Moon
The time is near it's coming soon
The prophet's words leap from tombs
We live together without the boom
It's a new civilization I envision
A city floating on magnetic wings
A possibility if we heal our lesions
Heal the pain that hate brings
The Pyramids on Mars are smokin
The Cydonia Face and Sphinx are smilin
Four Pyramids on our Moon are shinnin
And the humans scramble about fightin
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
Open your mind Aliens have always been here
Remember our histories they've always been there
Old science egos are islands of unreasonability
And the new truth's shine in Universal realities
Where ever you go
Where ever you have gone
Someone always knows
The spirit living around your own bones
You are the Creator's spirit in this garden
Reach out around appreciate with curiosity all that you see
You mustn't let hope completely harden
Even Jesus cried out in doubt and despair in his final misery
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
Breathe in breathe out
We've got to live together
And do it better
A new way has to be born
A new path followed on
Peace must shine on
It is the sunrise of a new civilized human awareness
A new way of doing the planet's business
We are the people caught in the in-between
It's the best times Humanity has ever seen
Breath in breathe out
Share precious air with the Planetary community
Reach in reach out
Give of yourself a life to enhance your abilities
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
The electromagnetic chemical pattern of your brain
Has the power to make your Universe rain
Can you make it have the Sun shine again
Can you mesh with the Earth's electromagnetic terrain
The rhythm of your heartbeat is tied to the Planet's core
You are who you are constantly changing like a twinkling star
Can you love your neighbor without wanting a favor
Can you look into the mirror long and deep without fear
Riddle me this riddle me that
Who cried when the dinosaurs when splat
If the Aliens in the Moon were there to watch and see
Like T-Rex there'll be no help in the end for you and me
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
Children kill children
While discussing presidential porn in history
When will we finally learn
To eliminate hate in our community diversity
We must all be alone
Reflect on your soul
You are the Creator's world
Senses on this Earth
Live your light
Let it shine bright
Like a candle on a starry night
Joining others in the living of life
For in the end, like all individuals you see
We all face dying alone carrying forth personal memories
A civilization is but a collection of personal histories
A record of deeds, visions, truths and fantasies
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
A smoking pyramid on Mars will not change our end
Like every cycle of all living things we but begin again
But we must educate our minds to enlighten our soul
Finding joy in the living Universe should be life's role
It's a new country's song I sing
A people heading in the right direction
Prosperity is what freedom brings
A people making a needed correction
Rhw 9-23-1998