Love in the river of moments
In the darkest of the night
When your fears nip n bite
I look into your angel eyes
And I can smile when I sigh
Love's refuge from the lonely mirror
When all I see alone are familiar fears
Fantasy fills the holes in my mind
Memories seem to slip away in time
Who am I and what do I want
When my heart and breath are caught
I could harbor forever in love's bliss
Other contentments I would hardly miss
The patterns between body mind and soul
True deep lovers and wizards know
The joy in kissing the gates of life
The moment when spots melt to stripes
The balance is always there in the in-between
Two souls shinning together in the dark being seen
Can we both fasten together on that moment of joy
Can we evolve beyond a new life a soulful alloy
What majestic wonders we could mightily roam and see
Love's contented sighs heals and frees souls down deep
Even the Moon smiles when looking at the stars
Suppose he knows what's buried at Cydonia on Mars
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful appreciative prayers for a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotion behind my watering eyes
As I lay contented in the grips of life
I fly away from humanity's desperate plight
Come with me dear I shall take you there
There's a face in the Martian dunes that just stares
My flame is small in the darkest part of the night
But together we can travel and see Cosmic sights
By grabbing that moment the perfect gift of Creation
We sail the river of moments to our eternal salvation
Holding hands long ago we looked into each others eyes
We promised before God and man together until we die
It is in the essence of love's blissful moments
We reap the rewards of enlightened commitments
It is in the languid moments of our daily routines
That the Creator's subtlest creations are clearly seen
The egos build machines trying to decipher glories past
But the Devil just smiles and God truly laughs
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful appreciative prayers for a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotion behind my watering eyes
For in the embrace of love eyes minds souls locked together tight
We have only the river of moments riding its current in the night
To caress and carry us to love's most lofty goal
The joining of essences of two of life's flickering souls
There is only life that is drawn to the candle light
Proving the essence of life is not dark but bright
Only loving each other can truly set humanity free
War is death n darkness a place where love cannot be
Life's words just continue to forever flow
We keep forgetting what we already have known
Maybe we never learn lessons from our historical times
Because they are filled with scientific nursery rhymes
The love of God lover son daughter cannot be measured and graphed
But of all things through history only this love has been found to last
The world was flat now it's round, man cannot fly waving from the Moon
Look around look inside there's a human mirror in the Martian dunes
Once again kiss my lips and embrace my soul in love
Praying for guidance from a Creator that is inside and above
We all yearn to go home when staring up at the stars
Could the Garden of Eden have been Cydonia on Mars
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful appreciative prayers for a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotion behind my watering eyes
So remember in the windiest darkest stormiest of the night
You are flesh n bone powered by the soul of Creation's light
In the river of moments there are quiet pools of pause
In prayer reflect what you have n see and what you lost n saw
These are the dreams of a soul that is content real deep
Grateful appreciative prayers for a comfortable bed to sleep
The river of moments gives me one more loving encompassing sigh
How can anything measure the emotion behind my watering eyes
Rhw 11-12-1998