Lets all move to the moon
So many souls so little room
Let's all move to the Moon
Get together in Truth do it soon
Before the Sun goes ka-boom
For something shut it down in May
The solar wind gone for 3 days
A spiraled beam aimed our way
Hey puny human let your spirit pray
The time has come for a magnetic flux to change
Children killing children with guns for fun is too strange
It is an unholy way for reality to be arranged
The storms reflect the emotions of the deranged
Children screaming for help by the billions they cry out
In each other's faces we just scream n shout
What in this whole world is life really about
If our children are killing each other in petulant pouts
Is the value of life we've taught our children so cheap
That into the embrace of death they run and leap
Didn't we realize that lies poison the soul down deep
If it wasn't us, who taught them to be such hateful creeps
Can we find a little of love to give us hope for relief
Can we find a seed of solace and compassion for our grief
Can we find wisdom in the foundations of our beliefs
Can we find the courage to make in faith that final leap
When will love for neighbor mean something again
Are we forever locked in the combat of Able n Cain
Is the future behavior a repeat of the hated same
Isn't it time that a new age of reasoning began
The planets have tumbled along coming into line
The start of the Aquarian Age it's coming in time
The heavenly clues of patterns n fluxing tubes n signs
The moment will come when Creation's clocks will chime
How will the Universe judge the billions of souls
How will all the egos come to finally know
That in all the world life is never alone
That in all we do we affect others for which we atone
All life is a bubble of possibilities
Ticks n fleas can infect us with disease
Micro-biotic life travels when we sneeze
Pollution carried in the breezes and seas
We can still hear Pioneer 10 at a billion trillionth of a watt
From among the billion trillion volts the Solar System's got
We are still able to hear n understand one of our own tool's thoughts
Such things of wonder the breadth of human spirit has wrought
So why so much hatred in your human hearts
Showing a tad of tolerance can be a good start
Do it now before your differences tear you apart
Before the Sun pierces the planet like an avenging dart
So many humans are dying and the E.T.s just watch
Abduct one life yet let millions die without a troubled thought
Should they interfere and rescue the poor miserable sots
When the humans continue to soil their own cooking pots
For what if in passing on we enter their realm of being
We are still who we are but now with a new way of seeing
In that moment of timeless now, time no longer fleeting
Realizing you're alive but your heart is no longer beating
Just where do our souls go when there is everything left to know
The past shown to us of all that we have accrued owed n sown
Realizing that life is just this moment called now on loan
And that only through love is Creation's light clearly shown
So many souls so little room
Let's all move to the Moon
Get together in Truth do it soon
Before the Sun goes ka-boom
For something shut it down in May
The solar wind gone for 3 days
A spiraled beam aimed our way
Hey puny human let your spirit pray
Rhw 3-6-2000