How to achieve CATS
( Cheap Access To Space )
Humanity has been stuck in LEO ( Low Earth Orbit ) going round and round in
'tin-cans' while sending billion dollar 'tonka-trucks' to various places like
Mars, a place for which we loose more
than 2/3 of ALL missions publicly sent to the planet. Supposedly the
reason we haven't been back to the Moon, or pushed on to land humanity on Mars;
has been the lack of funding...its the money stupid. So we've been led to
believe through the years.
Russia has commercialized its Space Program and
has chalked up another Space first. From
the first human made object in Space in the modern era, the first man, woman,
station, Moon satellite, Moon robotic landing, and the first to perform my
ultimate dream
the first tethered Space Walk.
Now they have the first Space tourist.
China is about to join the group with its ability to put humans and hardware
into orbit, on their own. They are
NOT part of ISiS now. Being the
colossal commercial market that it is, do Americans really think they wont be
making money out there? America
NEEDS its OWN version of these agencies to better compete in the huge
marketplace Space is to become. It
is past time NASA was NOT the only game in town because NASA isnt allowed to
MAKE MONEY. PARCA can, legally.
PARC has a unique and crucial
relationship with our government.
Imagine having a first rate closed Air Force
Base that the Pentagon did NOT want to close.
A flight line in excellent shape, and is long enough to land the current
Space Shuttle, that has recently installed a modern fuel farm to service
transports of all kinds. The land,
sea, and air transport capabilities for large scale commercial activity and the
atmosphere that not only encourages commercial activity, but excels in providing
the TOPS in atmosphere for that commercialization.
Plattsburgh was ranked 5th in Americas Top 100 Small
Towns for Corporate Facilities survey done by Site Selection magazine.
We mean business here. We
are also are about to get a brand new upgraded and modernized border crossing
with Canada, which is a mere 20 minutes by road from the flight line.
Plattsburgh Air base Redevelopment Corporation ( PARC
) is an entity created to handle the commercialization of the facilities the
government left behind. By creating
another agency under the umbrella of PARC, the partial declassification of
Americas TRUE CATS capabilities can be utilized for commercial profit that
can benefit taxpayers. By forming
Plattsburgh Aerospace Resource Commercialization Agency ( PARCA ), funding could
be obtained currently through the Space Property Protocol
to the Unidroit Convention on
International Interests in Mobile Equipment, which
makes it possible for companies to get loans that use the actual
spacecraft as collateral. There of
course would be opportunities for funding through venture capital and stock of
the prime contractors that the Defense Department had used to actually build the
crafts, equipment, or other material. By
forming an additional partnership with the Defense Department that PARC itself
ALREADY HAS, PARCA could rent access to orbit and back for its companies that
form the consortium and their customers. In
this manner, at least initially, the how engineering details of the
technology that accomplishes CATS could remain under DOD provenance.
With inflatable habitat technology already developed commercialized and
new ideas having a market to work for, LEO could be for ANYONE, finally.
have an anti-gravity squadron:
The following is more evidence our military
contractors have the technology to get us into orbit safely, quickly,
inexpensively and repeatedly.
U.S. Antigravity Squadron
Paul A. LaViolette, Ph.D.
(antigravity) technology, under development in U.S. Air Force black R&D
programs since late 1954, may now have been put to practical use in the B-2
Advanced Technology Bomber to provide an exotic auxiliary mode of propulsion.
This inference is based on the recent disclosure that the B-2 charges both its
wing leading edge and jet exhaust stream to a high voltage. Positive ions
emitted from its wing leading edge would produce a positively charged parabolic
ion sheath ahead of the craft while negative ions injected into it's exhaust
stream would set up a trailing negative space charge with a potential difference
in excess of 15 million volts. According to electrogravitic research carried out
by physicist T. Townsend Brown, such a differential space charge would set up an
artificial gravity field that would induce a reactionless force on the aircraft
in the direction of the positive pole. An electrogravitic drive of this sort
could allow the B-2 to function with over-unity propulsion efficiency when
cruising at supersonic velocities.
many years rumors circulated that the U.S. was secretly developing a highly
advanced, radar-evading aircraft. Rumor turned to reality in November of 1988,
when the Air Force unveiled the B-2 Advanced Technology Bomber. Although
military spokesmen provided the news media with some information about the
craft's outward design, and low radar and infrared profile, there was much they
were silent about. However, several years later, some key secrets about the B-2
were leaked to the press. On March 9, 1992, "Aviation Week and Space
Technology" magazine made a surprising disclosure that the B-2
electrostatically charges its exhaust stream and the leading edges of its
wing-like body.(1) Those familiar with the electrogravitics research of American
physicist T. Townsend Brown will quickly realize that this is tantamount to
stating that the B-2 is able to function as an antigravity aircraft.
Week" obtained their information about the B-2 from a small group of
renegade west coast scientists and engineers who were formerly associated with
black research projects. In making these disclosures, these scientists broke a
code of silence that rivals the Mafia's. They took the risk because they felt
that it was important for economic reasons that efforts be made to declassify
certain black technologies for commercial use. Two of these individuals said
that their civil rights had been blatantly abused (in the name of security)
either to keep them quiet or to prevent them from leaving the tightly controlled
black R&D community.
months after "Aviation Week" published the article, black world
security personnel went into high gear. That sector of the black R&D
community received VERY STRONG warnings and, as a result, the group of
scientists subsequently broke off contact with the magazine. Clearly, the
overseers of black R&D programs were substantially concerned about the
information leaks that had come out in that article.
completely understand the significance of what was said about the B-2, one must
first become familiar with Brown's work. Beginning in the mid 1920's, Townsend
Brown discovered that it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by
charging an electrical capacitor to a high-voltage.(2) He specially built a
capacitor which utilized a heavy, high charge-accumulating (high K-factor)
dielectric material between its plates and found that when charges with between
70,000 to 300,000 volts, it would move in the direction of its positive pole.
When oriented with its positive side up, it would proceed to lose about 1
percent of it's weight. (3, 4) He attributed this motion to an
electrostatically-induced gravity field acting between the capacitor's
oppositely charged plates. By 1958, he had succeeded in developing a 15 inch
diameter model saucer that could lift over 110% of its weight!(5) Brown's
experiments had launched a new field of investigation which came to be known as
electrogravitics, the technology of controlling gravity through the use of
high-voltage electric charge.
The research has been done and the hardware has been
built. It's time to partially declassify this technology, in light of
recent spy scandals, so that AMERICANS can benefit directly and expand the human
horizon into the Outer Space of our Universe. In so doing, we must come to
realize that humanity, in this vast Universe is NOT:
1. All alone
2. On a flat Earth
3. At the center of the Universe
4. As it revolves around us
5. Riding on the back of a giant turtle
The first thing humanity must do is to learn to
compete over something other than a barrel of a gun. Human discourse must
replace human destruction. And we must come to accept what our government
was 'somewhat' trying to tell us in 1953 when endorsing Maj. Donald Keyhoe's
efforts and the remarkable letter from our government
in 1953 that they admitted UFO's were likely ETs!
It is long past time for main-stream science,
education, government and media to begin treating the truth as simply facts
which must be acknowledged as to be true. We must take three major elements of
this phenomenon out of the loop and let the facts speak for themselves. Each
individual must come to their own terms for their own experiences in real-life.
But real it must be.
We need to first remove the 'giggle-factor' from alien
intelligence discussions. The "Are we alone?" question may be the most
egotistical question we have asked throughout time. Our own Earth is filled with
life of trillions-upon-trillions of types and numbers. Should Space be any
different? What if life, is really, in reality, completely ubiquitous. It's
Everywhere! As we are surrounded by less-intelligent life here on Earth, is it
really so funny to think that there might be more intelligent life elsewhere?
Second, we must move away from the "Cowboy M.I.B. Mentality" It is
unfortunate that this type of thinking has really dominated the group of beings
who control the vehicles and resources. It allows them full control over
dissemination of nearly all information and a lock on all benefits that can be
acquired or derived from using that information and access to those resources.
Mikhail Vasin and Alexander Shcherbakov were leading Soviet scientists who have
seriously put forth the 'hollow-moon' theory. It is the only theory that fully
accounts for all the strange seismic, photographic, and personal evidence
returned from the various lunar missions in the 60' and early 70's. If we are
about to get images with 3 foot resolution of the entire Martian surface; I ask
the entire world why we do not have access to those same resolution images of
'our' own moon? Maybe we haven't been back to the moon because it's already
occupied and the present owners aren't leasing any acreage or allowing live-tv
rovers just yet. I urge you to investigate The DisclosureProject
where more than 450 DOD, NASA Astronauts, NSA, CIA, FBI, Air Force, Marines,
Navy, Army, police, firemen and many other respected heroes coming forth under
oath testifying to the validity of the phenomenon of intelligently controlled
antigravity physical machines tracked on radar at speeds in excess of 7,000
MPH. There is only one registered political action committee, X-ppac,
for the purpose of lobbying congress on these issues. Third, we must also remove the "Aliens Are Angels /
Devils" influence to a more reasoned approach to spirituality based on love
not hate. With love, tolerance is a strong component in the building block of a
forgiving heart. As racism is an ugly manifestation of hate for what-ever is
different; xenophobia cannot become human-kind's legacy to the stars.
There is evidence out there that we are not, nor have
we ever been alone in the Universe. The big question is really how will we all
collectively react to the news we have never been alone? The truth has always
been in front of us, we were just led to not believe it, fear it, or to giggle at it.
There is growing evidence we have finally grown up to at least have some of us
become fascinated and curious by it.
It is past time humanity took good stock of itself
from a real hard look into our mirrors and realized that our similarities are
more precious to us than our differences. We need to begin to believe in
our ability to forgive and practice tolerance in our daily interactions to build
a solid foundation from which we can begin to dream of interacting with other
species, much less other races among them and ourselves.
But we MUST do
that in TRUTH!
Let's taunt a Billionaire to Mars ! ! ! Beats Begging.
Think out there act down here... NOW ! ! ! Have YOU ??
Give a High School kid a reason to care...a spacewalk.
Teach 'em a lesson in teamwork.
Teach 'em a lesson in humanity.
Let's all go to Space ! ! !
America Inc. - a plan for the
re-financing of governmental operations.
August 20, 2001
bad link storage area
update fix: The above 2 links were notified to me that they no longer
worked. They are left here temporarily until final site decisions are made
with respect to endeavors to help commercialize this technology. I have
searched and found one of the articles and the 'gist' of the other along with
more information along these lines.