Broken Promises
Here you will find links to scanned documents pertaining to my fight with the
new current Clinton Community College administration and their broken promise to
give me the 'kindly protection' of the college in my quest to simply ask NASA
some very tough, specific and interesting questions and for the ability to
publish and continue research in this area as is my right under the collective
bargaining agreement. Remember, I had been doing this research in an
honest, truthful and open manner for 7 years prior to these 3 new
The following links are presented in the chronological order in which they
occurred in the continuing battle against the hagiographers.
My Autumn 2001 ET workshop
notice. This event canceled by Academic Dean James Brazil on the
job less than 1 month.
He had also canceled one of my 3 credit classes "Web Page Development"
the very first thing on the Monday morning of the very last week of registration
before the Autumn 2000 semester started. At the time it had 5 paid students which
would have netted the college $850 'profit' after covering my salary for the
course. In the room it was supposed to be conducted in (120T) the computers remained on and
empty for that period ALL semester. Who knows how many last minute ( and
anyone who has worked at a college KNOWS how hectic last week of registration
is, much less first few days of school with drop-adds ) students might have
opted to take it also? The class was NEVER given a chance.
My syllabus evaluation by the
Division Coordinator for the Autumn 2000 semester did NOT have a problem
with the Mars Internet Report
that was used as an example of critical thinking skills exercise in discerning
real evidence over 'manufactured' or 'processing-induced' evidence and
applying similar standards to other subjects the student will do Internet
research on. The Spring 2000
evaluation after the upcoming 'tussle' was quite different.
The FOIA to NASA - html page not
scanned. Use your browser's back button to return to this page. Note that
this FOIA had three ( 3 ) sentences removed from the August 21 FOIA that the
President had 'issues' with. She asked that I remove those sentences, I
did, she then signed the support letter.
DIVERSITY CELEBRATION PRESENTATION- A campus wide event to celebrate the
diversity of the Universe. This was the 3rd Annual time I had participated
in this event that helps to educate others to other viewpoints and other experiences
that our wide world of wonder can give us. October 26 - 27, 2000- there are 5
img scans dealing with my and student participation in this event.
I prevailed in an
internal appeal after that meeting that successfully argued that giving me only
6 days to revamp a website that had taken 7 years to build was unrealistic and
unreasonable. New due date for a revamped site was set for January 15,
2001. This meeting was my very first indication that President Eaton had
broken her verbal and written promises. She didn't even have the
courtesy to speak to me directly. Wouldn't be the last
time this administration ducks FACING their responsibilities-see below for one
more instance of the same. I had also continued this internal appeal
process through March 2001 to not change the site at all. Please note the
material he wishes removed, and then compare to specifics he refers to in the
actual removal notice of Feb 5, 2001 and notice the discrepancies.
About the above reply I would like to point out that they had merely sent me
links ( as YOU can see ) which I had already known about. Also note that
this reply was in FACT referring to the FOIA endorsed by Eaton which they
received 4 days after Eaton signed it, they had NOT yet received a copy of the
PSUC endorsement nor had they heard from the Congressman. So much for
'Presidential clout', turns out her signature and endorsement of my right to ask
the FOIA through CCC meant little to NASA at all. Makes me wonder what all
her 'huff-n-buff' over this issue is really all about. As the saying goes:
I'm only paranoid because I'm paying attention.
I soon called the Congressman after receiving this reply and he informed me
he had called NASA and was assured the FOIA would receive serious attention and
should he call again? I thanked him for his effort and told him we should
wait for 60 days or so to give them time to respond to his call. I then
filed a NASA grant under the Mars Global Surveyor Guest Observer Program
(MGSGOP) with the Chair of the Geography Department at
Plattsburgh State University for the study of the Cydonia Smoking Pyramid.
Now we both KNEW in advance that without the authorization from the
administration of CCC that the grant request had a very nearly zero chance of
being approved with me as the Principle Investigator. However, I wanted to
be on record as the PI for this official request and as a personal favor Dr. Moravick agreed to co-request the grant with me. We also thought that if we never
actually asked, we TRULY wouldn't KNOW that our request would be turned
down. We decided to give it a shot. A few bucks certified postage,
time and the committed interest in the scientific inquiry into this enigmatic
feature that may be as equally interesting as the Cydonia
Just before posting the revamped CSC site, I called the PSUC's Congressman's
office and asked that they inquire to NASA once more then give them another 60
days after this new inquiry.
On January 15, 2001 I published the new and revamped Common
Sense Central. For three weeks I went through the Spring 2001 semester
normally and directly saw and spoke with Dean Brazil in the halls on 2 separate
occasions. At no time was I informed that the changes made to the site
were not in compliance with what he had ordered or that I had failed to comply
with an edict he had issued. Until...
Here continued in a more active phase an internal, and eventually a public, and currently on-going
struggle. I was NEVER given a chance to respond to either Al's email or
Brazil's reply or handling of the issue. Nor was I allowed to address any
committee about the changes that actually had been made. The
site that was pulled is the first link on the main page and beginning this
One should NOT believe everything they read on the web and using
the Alien-Human scenario was a classroom methodological example of how to be
able to apply critical thinking skills to web resource research. It WAS (
and STILL IS ) a much BETTER subject to deal with than looking into various home
'remedies' on the wild wild web for various aliments or diseases, for specific
'contest scams' or other more specific examples. I pointed out these areas
in general, along with ideological agendas, other type of internet scams,
'deals', and other nefarious areas telling them what they might expect from
visiting such sites. By using the Alien-Human issue as a specific example
to be able to point to some REALLY outrageous claims I was really, in fact,
using the government's OWN philosophy of handling this issue-the
'giggle-factor'. Rather than offend someone by pointing to something like
'Rakei' or the 'laying-on of hands' as examples of 'outrageous claims'; by using
claims from the Alien-Human arena of the www is already pre-built for a
'giggle-factor' ability to laugh off any 'weird' or 'offensive' feelings or
attitudes in dealing with example subject matter. Same thing with finding
examples of wild 'HIV-cures' versus using the Alien-Human subject matter.
There ARE lots of examples for everything 'out-there' - I see no harm no foul
with actually using the 'out-there' as an example in and of itself. period.
On February 12, 2001 I received a letter in my campus mailbox from Division
Coordinator Simms thanking me for my past service in the last Autumn 2000
Division Coordinator 'Fires' me. March
7, 2001 via an email rather than speaking to me directly after 8 years of
quality and dedicated service. On this same day I received the first real
substantive reply from NASA to the FOIAs of August and October 2000.
I would 'normally' have posted this reply the day I received it on my campus
website, but that had been taken down. Since the FOIA was originally
requested as an 'educational' example and therefore fell under certain rules,
guidelines and procedures as outlined within the FOIA, to display the reply in a
non-educational setting may seriously jeopardize that standing. I was
being fired as I had just found out and the ability to post the reply on the CCC
server was denied. However, as this is the LAST couple of weeks I will
still be an employee of CCC, I am posting the informative reply here in full
disclosure for TRUTH'S sake. Other educators elsewhere will have to take
up the issues left unresolved in this reply. I want to especially thank
the PSUC Board Chairperson and especially the Congressman Alumni from PSUC who
were instrumental in getting the following reply so forthcoming.
Now how the Faculty Association Union handled the grievance.
Grievance I attempted to file. html
file. Use your browser's back button to return to this page.
I was denied the ability to file this grievance by the Faculty Association
Union which had included adjunct faculty members for the first time this
contract which was only ratified in the beginning of 2001 and was retroactive to
September 2000. The college itself also refused to allow me to file this
grievance on my own at 12:30 PM on April 5, 2001 in the Human Resources office
directly by the Human resources officer of the college in front of two other
witnesses. Both of these denials are in direct violation of the contract,
federal and state law and is being reported to NYS P.E.R.B.
I had a personal meeting with President Eaton to try and argue for my job
and to also inquire as to why her promise had been broken. She indicated
she would back her staff of Division Coordinator and the Academic Dean.
She also informed me that she couldn't tell me why the promise was broken.
Union notice of executive
meeting. Notice the large number of people, some of which are on
CCC administrative committees which have now been notified of the Union
legal opinion of which my dues paid for. The Union with this email just
gave the CCC Administration the results of legal advice MY dues paid for.
Also the following notice is sent DIRECTLY to the top CCC Administrators
involved letting them know the Union will NOT be backing my grievance and the
legal opinion my dues paid for.
Throughout my going through the process of fighting this unfair infringement
of the rights and academic freedoms the collective bargaining contract
gives me under Article VI has been long, difficult, stressful, and certainly has
resulted in physical, emotional, and financial hardships on myself, and my
partially paralyzed and wheel-chair bound wife. I have the LEGAL right to
pursue this material, which IS course related to the courses I teach.
Anyone who has looked at any of the newest images from the periodic 'data dumps'
from JPL/NASA/MSSS can readily see that a novice computer user would be hard
pressed to easily find and view the latest data their tax dollars are paying
for. It is imperative that my fellow community citizen working voting
taxpayers be allowed to learn how to use ALL the tools the microcomputer has for
them to be able to study ANY subject they wish. The NASA MGS MOC data
was/is a PRIME example of how uneasy that can be for the average uneducated
user, and in my showing how to learn new software with little or no on-line help
or manuals is crucial in their ability to take part in the wonderful discoveries
JPL/NASA/MSSS have let Americans, and the world, find themselves with these
'data dumps'.
Violations of US Federal and NYS Labor laws have been violated by both CCC Administration
and the Faculty Association Union. NYS PERB complaints have been mailed
for filing against both these organizations. It is my firm belief that not
only is Academic Freedom, Freedom of Research and right to adequate
representation by a collective bargaining unit at stake; but also a basic issue
of the Free Speech from our U.S. Constitution. I am of the opinion that in
looking at ALL the evidence presented here one can come to the same
conclusion and find that there is more than reasonable cause and evidence to
pursue this case to the fullest extent possible. If you
are an attorney reading this please email me your office number at
if you wish to help pursue this case on a contingency basis.
Thank you for your valuable time, attention and interest in this issue which
is of great import.
A lot has happened since this page first went up, I finished out current
contract obligations that had already been signed until the end of May
2001. At NO time since the last day of school on May 18, 2001 has anyone
at CCC EVER, REPEAT EVER, called, wrote or otherwise contacted me to tell me any
contracts were ready for my signature for previously scheduled classes, that my
RIGHT to access to the faculty website space had been restored as my needed
classroom tool, or that other teaching opportunities were available. This
is an extremely important point of BRUTAL TRUTH. Because they have had the
temerity to tell the news media folks who have been kind enough to enquire into
this travesty that I was NOT fired and that there was no story with this
issue. Baloney! I'm being silenced over my FOIA requests to NASA,
the use of Mars images as academic freedom rather than a bicycle tire image, use
of astronaut names rather than John n Jane Does, and my right under the contract
for freedom of research and dissemination of that research. I kept my
promises and taught ALL the courses I had contracted for, why hasn't CCC kept
its promises to me? It certainly isn't because of my job performance as I
know many debunking disbelievers out there may think and here's the PROOF:
Student Evaluations ! ! !
The following links will display jpg images in your browser, you must use
the back button to get back to this page. Also, to save space since I no
longer have the ACADEMIC FREEDOM to use equipment my own taxes paid for, web space
is limited. These images are low quality b/w and will be BEST viewable if
you save them to your own folder/directory on your local machine and then open
them in a photo/paint program to zoom in with the zoom tool or zoom menu choice
and more easily read the questions on the questionnaire students were asked to anomalously
fill out while I was NOT in the room, the results of those questions tabulated,
and individual student comments. In this process, not only do I leave the
room, but a student hand delivers these evaluations to the administration.
I wish to say I think THIS method works great, has ALWAYS worked great, and is
one more thing THIS new administration wants to do away with.
I am a better than average teacher and conducted myself in a professional
manner with integrity within and without the classroom. My tests were
tough but fair, its college after all. These student testimonies are
typical and show an overall 95% approval rating that I am doing something
RIGHT! For 8 happy years. I am engaging the student into the material in a
manner that excites their visions and hopes for the future of not only
themselves, but in helping to also make their own corner of the world better for
ALL of humanity and any of its neighbors in the Universe. Is THAT such a
terrible thing to do? Apparently THIS CCC administration thinks so.
On June 2, 2001 I was a guest on
1010AM out of Toronto Canada on Errol Bruce-Knapp's Strange Days Indeed show
with Mr. Stephen Bassett of the ONLY registered Political Action Committee in
Washington DC for the issue of American public contact with Extraterrestrial
Intelligence here in the United States at:
Also on the show was a Mr. Alfred Lhemberg who was also fired from
teaching over his use of Extraterrestrial issues in his curriculum.
I wish to thank Mr. Bassett who was instrumental in setting this up and who is
continuing the fight for ALL of us for the release of this fantastic information
that will revolutionize humanity and end the secrecy of more than 50 decades of
illegal, immoral, and unconstitutional withholding of vital national and human
security issues from 2 Presidents, much less the American public and the world
at large.
See also:
The secrecy about Flying Saucers isn't funny anymore. It's past time
to put the public 'giggle factor' with this issue where it belongs- 6 feet
If you want to help in that process these are the email addresses publicly
available at the CCC site and my local print, radio and TV media. Send
them all a note. Thank you.
On Saturday night August 4, 2001 I was a guest with Astronomer
Dr. Tom Van Flandern and others on Ground Zero radio available from the web via:
or from KOTK Portland Oregon with host Clyde Lewis.
It was an excellent and interesting
show. I am thankful to many people in helping bring this about. You know
who you are. Thanx.